
December 5, 2012

Am I Not Good Enough?

Hello sweethearts!
I know that I haven't been posting for a long time. And I'm really sorry for that.
It's just that I have been feeling down. I feel that I am not good enough for this art. That I am worthless. Yes I did feel all of those things at the same time. My self confidence is really really low now. :(

To boost a bit of confidence, I always listen to a Demi Lovato's song,


I wish that I can BELIEVE IN MYSELF too.. *crying*

Zarina ♥


  1. aww, (((hugggsss!!))) don't ever feel that! You're very talented, and you must believe that! Don't stress too much, wasn't this nail art blog suppose to be something you enjoy doing, and do because you feel joy? Don't let those negative vibes get the better of you! If you're feeling the lack of inspiration, why not hop on to they have plenty pictures and ideas to be inspired by. Take a walk in the park, observe nature, perhaps those might spark inspirations into you. I hope you'd feel better soon!

    And those negative thoughts that you are worthless, not good enough are all lies!! Don't believe them!! Trust me, YOU ARE TALENTED!!! :D

  2. Nail art should be fun and come from within - the more fun you have making your nail art, the more it will show in the photos.
    And it's not a competition - it's all about finding your style - some wil not like it, but a lot of others will!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I'm really sorry to hear you're feeling that way :( For what it's worth, I think your nail art is fabulous and I love looking at all your designs (and since you have 150 followers, I'm clearly not the only one!).

    As Lacqueerisa said, blogging is supposed to be something you enjoy. So if you don't feel like posting for a little while, then don't post :) We'll all still be here when you come back to it!

  5. Sorry you feel down. ((Hugs)) I think you are very talented! Try to do what makes you happiest in regards to your blog. I have posted tips on how to help yourself feel better if you are down, these help me, they are at the bottom of the post, I hope it is ok to share it here.

  6. such a nice song *_* your blog is very good and interesting <3 im glad if you visit my blog, too <3 keep in touch!


  7. I hope you feel better now. :( Smile and chin up, girl! :)

  8. Of course you're good enough! Jeez girl, I'm so sorry you feel that way. No hobby should ever make anybody feel that way. Have fun with what you do - make fail manis like the rest of us and grin when you do, and try again. Enjoy your hobby - because that's what it is: A hobby. *hugs*

  9. Zarina!! Honey, yes of course you are good enough!!!

    Also I'm nominating you for a Liebster :)

  10. such a nice song :)
    anyway, if you want to follow me you can open your blog dashboard. and find a 'add' button. then fill my web address there :)
    sorry i didn't have the follow button :( anyway, it nice to keep in touch with you

  11. This is no good to hear, remember this:
    Your followers chose to follow you because they want to see your work of art.
    What exactly do you think you you're "not good enough" for? This is a passion, love, hobby, fun. Plus, you're excellent :)
    You're certainly not worthless. Jesus knew you were worth dying for.

  12. Hello hello :) I nominated you for the Liebster Award :

  13. aww don't feel bad! I feel like that a lot of times. I just keep practicing and telling myself I'll get better eventually. I'm definitely better than I was when I started :)


♥ All comments are very much welcome in my blog! Reading all of your comments makes me sooo happy. :) I will try my very best to response to each one. ♥ Gob Bless! :)